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Looking for passionate paranormal enthusiasts?

OC Paracon is the perfect place to promote your business, book, film, show or anything that you want to let our attendees know about.

Attendees have a variety of likes, from ghosts to cryptids to psychic readings and UFO encounter enthusiasts. Do you have an upcoming paranormal book? This is the crowd you want to get it in front of. Have you just been cast as a regular on a new TV show? Let your target audience know when it's premiering.


With no vendor tables at this year's event, a sponsorship is the only way to reach the OC Paracon attendees in 2024. There are several options available to fit all budgets and marketing plans, so pick the one that fits your needs and we'll get your product or business in front of the OC Paracon crowd!

Event-Only Sponsorship.png

Your logo displayed on the Main Stage backdrop banners

Your logo displayed on the moderator podium on the Main Stage.

Link on OC Paracon website (from the time sponsorship is paid to the Sunday after the event.)

Half-page ad in printed program.

Mentions on social media posts.

Logo on Paranormal Perception table.

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Link on OC Paracon website (from the time sponsorship is paid to the Sunday after the event.)

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Your logo displayed on backdrop banners

Mentions in every interview/episode recorded during OC Paracon

Product displayed on camera during interviews (If product provided by sponsor.)

PP OC Paracon Sponsorship.png

Your logo displayed on Main Stage backdrop banners

Link on OC Paracon & Paranormal Perception websites

(Starts when sponsorship is paid & runs through the day after event.)

Half-page ad in printed program

Produced audio commercial on weekly Paranormal Perception episodes (Runs from time sponsorship is paid to the episode leading up to the event.)

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Your logo displayed on Main Stage backdrop banners

Link on OC Paracon, Paranormal Perception & The Geek Speak Show, Vol.2  websites

(Starts when sponsorship is paid & runs through Dec.31, 2024))

Full-page ad in printed program

Mentions on social media posts (through December 31,2024)

Produced audio commercial on Paranormal Perception & The Geek Speak Show, Vol. 2 episodes (runs through Dec. 31, 2024)

Personality endorsements on weekly episodes (both shows)

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  • Youtube
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